Thursday, March 1, 2007

How's Your Day?

Among our most common greetings to friends and family is "How's your day going?" This is meant as a conversation-starter to gauge moods and find out other vital information, but mostly, it helps us realize just how precious each day is. Today where I am it is pouring rain, but that did not stop the workers from coming to do their building project at my house. The rain will not stop the post-person from making his/her appointed rounds.

Here is a musing from poet Tom Hennen, entitled "The Life of a Day."

"Like people or dogs, each day is unique and has its own personality quirks which can easily be seen if you look closely. But there are so few days as compared to people, not to mention dogs, that it would be surprising if a day were not a hundred times more interesting than most people. But usually they just pass, mostly unnoticed, unless they are wildly nice, like autumn ones full of red maple trees and hazy sunlight, or if they are grimly awful ones in a winter blizzard that kills the lost traveler and bunches of cattle. For some reason we like to see days pass, even though most of us claim we don't want to reach our last one for a long time.

"We examine each day before us with barely a glance and say, no, this isn't one I've been looking for, and wait in a bored sort of way for the next, when, we are convinced, our lives will start for real. Meanwhile, this day is going by perfectly well-adjusted, as some days are, with the right amounts of sunlight and shade, and a light breeze scented with perfume made from the mixture of fallen apples, corn stubble, dry oak leaves, and the faint odor of last night's meandering skunk."

God bless Tom Hennen. He gets it.

Pastor Linda
The Rev. Linda McCloud
Founding Pastor
The Episcopal Church of Our Savior at Honey Creek

1 comment:

Carol said...

Each day is a gift that can be unwraped and appreciated moment by moment if we take the time to recognize what our senses experience. We often take for granted the miracles all around us. Thank you for sharing the beauty of Honey Creek.