Friday, December 14, 2007

Psalm 23 (A Metrical Paraphrase)

You have probably seen this paraphrase of Psalm 23
by Frank Burch Brown,
but it bears repeating at this season of the year.
Sing it to the tune of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"
and add a little extra cheer to your Christmas celebration.

I know the Lord's my shepherd;
I won't ever need a thing.
He gives me grass that's greenest;
Takes me to the coolest spring.

When I am sad he cheers me;
When I'm bad he makes me good.
Wherever he will lead me,
I will follow as I should.

Though I walk through val-leys
Dark as death and sin,
Nothing there can frighten me;
With your staff you're my true friend.

People can see I'm fed well;
I could hardly ask for more.
I'm going to stay forever
With the one who's really Lord!

We will not be singing this at the Christmas Eve candlelight service, BTW.

In peace,

The Rev. Linda McCloud
The Episcopal Church of Our Savior at Honey Creek

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