Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Creation

Spring is almost here, and this reminds us of God's faithfulness to renew the face of the earth. We believe that God renews and changes the world around us, but do we really believe God can renew and change us?

Here is what Louis Evely had to say about that:

Sinning against the Holy Spirit means no longer believing He can change the world because we no longer believe He can change us. The genuine atheist isn't the person who declares, "God doesn't exist," but the one who maintains that God can't remold him or her and denies the Spirit's infinite power to create, transform, and raise him [sic] from the dead.

This is the type of person who, whether sixty years old or just fifteen, goes around announcing, "At my age, I can't change any more: I'm too old, too weak, too far gone. I've tried everything, and it hasn't worked. No, there's nothing to be done for me!"

But with unflagging optimism, the Church sings each day, "Send us Your Spirit, and we shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth!" The most potent creative force is the Holy Spirit, whose might reanimates the dead, welds their parched bones together, clothes them with flesh, and gives them vigor and life.
(That Man is You, 196)

In peace,

The Rev. Linda McCloud
The Episcopal Church of Our Savior at Honey Creek

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Rev. McCloud for all your blogs. You never know when someone will read one and become nourished and closer to the understanding of God's ways. The last paragraph of this day's blog helped me through a time when I needed it most at 2AM in the morning. Even after your last blog was blogged, folks will continue to come here for your words. Thanks again for all your hard work. We will miss your sunrise blogs and look forward to your sunrise in the snow blogs.