Saturday, June 2, 2007

Trinity Sunday

Icon of the Holy Trinity,
painted by Andrew Rublev in 1425

Our Gospel selected for tomorrow is John 16:12-15, which reads (NRSV):

[Jesus said] "I still have many things to say to you,
but you cannot bear them now.
When the Spirit of truth comes,
he will guide you into all the truth;
for he will not speak on his own,
but will speak whatever he hears,
and he will declare to you
the things that are to come.
He will glorify me,
because he will take what is mine
and declare it to you.
All that the Father has is mine.
For this reason I said
that he will take what is mine
and declare it to you."

This scripture is a snapshot of the Holy Trinity -- God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The icon above is an artist's conception of the Holy Trinity. Andrew Rublev painted this icon in memory of the Russian saint, Sergius (1313-1392).

In his book "Behold the Beauty of the Lord: Praying with Icons", Henri Nouwen said this:

"Saint Sergius, in whose honor and memory Rublev painted the Trinity icon, wanted to bring all of Russia together around the Name of God so that its people would conquer 'the devouring hatred of the world by the contemplation of the Holy Trinity.' Fear and hatred have become no less destructive since the 14th century, and Rublev's icon has become no less creative in calling us to the place of love, where fear and hatred no longer can destroy us." (p.28)

Does this sound like something the Holy Spirit might whisper in our ears, whenever we are able to hear it?

In peace,

The Rev. Linda McCloud
Founding Pastor
The Episcopal Church of Our Savior at Honey Creek

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